Late-Coming Pimples… What’s the Best Acne Treatment for Adults?

Acne and I have been really close recently…

I’m not a teenager and has never had a problem with pimples. That’s why I was so shocked when I spotted the first pimple… Today, I offer ideas for the adult-acne treatment. The situation forced me to look for some solutions and I want to share them with you.

Rule no 1: standard over-the-counter acne treatments are ineffective in adults

This piece of info left me broken, too. I used to buy anti-bacterial gels for acne-prone skin, anti-acne creams, topical products for drying the pimples… all in vain.

Now, I know that using over-the-counter products is good only for teenagers. In their case, acne lesions are less intense, rarely go together with strong inflammation and have a different cause. The key thing is that you understand that adult and teen acne are completely different.

Teen acne vs adult acne – differences

Generally, both types of acne are the variety of the same skin disease known as acne vulgaris. It is a chronical inflammation with characteristic skin lesions.

How are teen and adult acne different?

  • Teen acne – as the name suggests – affects teenagers between the age of 11-17. On the other hand, adult acne has no age limits. It may be the continuation of previous problems or appear at the age of 30 for the first time.
  • The basic cause of adult acne is an increased level of androgen – a hormone that is responsible for the production of sebum. Improper diet, environmental pollution, chronical stress, wrong skin care, contraceptives, eating lots of sweets, etc. On the other hand, teen acne is usually caused by bacteria.
  • Adult acne appears through severe and more visible inflammation. Young people don’t struggle with such serious lesions, bumps…
  • The two types of acne affect different areas of the body. In adults, breakouts usually occur on the lower parts of the face, on the chin, jawline, neck, chest and… back. On the other hand, teen acne may affect the entire face area.


Adult acne is extremely difficult to treat – due to the causes, maybe because of the harmful factors coming with the passing time. Still, it’s worth trying.

Can’t I just hide it under make-up? Of course, you can. It doesn’t always make a good solution, though. The art of applying a camouflage make-up comes in useful yet only occasionally. It can’t replace skin care because hiding acne won’t make the problem disappear miraculously. Untreated acne may be intensified and leave you with permanent scars and discolouration. Time for changes and solving the problem out!

What to use for the treatment of adult acne?

There are lots of myths around the adult acne treatment, resulting from not understanding the cause of the problem. We forget that it’s not the same as teenage acne. Check how to treat adult acne and what to beware of.


Since the causes of adult and teen acne are different, most widely-available acne treatments are ineffective. Such products are based on alcohols and substances that aim at drying the pimples and preventing bacteria. In adults, the acne breakouts aren’t caused by bacteria so drugstore cosmetics are ineffective or may even worsen the skin condition.

2. SUN (not really)

One of the most popular myths says that the sun dries the acne. This thesis hasn’t been proven by any tests. To me, the sun (sunbeds, too) may irritate the skin and intensify acne breakouts.

3. DIET (only healthy)

Instead of thinking about an adult acne cure, let’s begin with the body. Healthy skin is the sign of a properly-functioning body and general well-being. Let’s give up on sweets because too much sugar triggers acne breakouts. Let’s eat more vegetables, fruit and grain, and mostly – products that are rich in zinc, sulphate and vitamin PP. The key thing is keeping the body hydrated – the skin that is moisturised from within equals less sebum secretion and reduced acne.

4. MAKE-UP REMOVAL (must-do)

If you suffer from acne, you can never ever forget about the make-up removal! You must do it every day before sleep and put your mind to it. Go for mild products e.g. micellar water or oil-based lightweight removers.

5. BEAUTY PRODUCTS (well-suited)

Acne treatments aren’t the only products you can use. The acne-prone skin care should be in tune with the needs of the skin depending on the seasons, your health, etc. If the skin is dehydrated, we must hydrate it intensively. When it is oily, reducing the sebum secretion is a must. As simple as that.

6. AZELAIC ACID (recommend it)

While talking with others about the best anti-acne treatment and remedies, I often hear about the azelaic acid. It is available in form of creams or gels. It is a natural acid which doesn’t cause irritation or too much exfoliation. Instead, it has some useful properties:

  • reduced sebum secretion;
  • preventing inflammation;
  • killing bacteria;
  • minimizing pigmentation spots.

7. SCRUBS (yes, please!)

Acne skin needs exfoliation. Make sure the scrubs you use are enzymatic, not mechanical. I recommend e.g. scrubs with pyruvic acid, mandelic acid or glycolic acid. Such treatments are done maximum once in 3-4 weeks. Remember about it!


Acne treatment should be planned by a dermatologist who chooses cosmetics, creams, medications that go with the patient’s intensity of acne and its causes. Visiting the doctor is the first thing you must do after spotting acne lesions on the skin. We can’t pick the best acne treatment for adults without the doctor’s assistance. We can simply test it with the error and trial method.