My Thoughts on Nanoil Retinol Face Serum. Is It Really As Effective As They Say?


I’m starting today’s post with a question. Are you happy with your skin? I’m not so happy with mine…

I’d been bothered by acne and dark spots for a long time. I tried all kinds of creams and treatments, even oils, and… nothing came of it. I was planning on some facials when I came across a review of a Nanoil Retinol Face Serum.

I can’t say it was love at first sight because I didn’t believe in all promises from the rave user reviews and official product webpage. Nevertheless, I gave it a go, and I’m going to tell you about the results below.

Nanoil Retinol Face Serum

It’s designed for people who have the same skin problems as I do.

On the official product site, we can read that the serum is dedicated to acne-prone complexion, mature skin, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and other imperfections. It is supposed to work when all other products fail because it’s based on 3% retinol. Beyond that, it contains a plant-derived antioxidant and a few additional ingredients, but vitamin A is the most powerful, playing the key role.

What is the serum supposed to do?

According to the info I got from the official site and other sources, Nanoil Serum fulfils many tasks.

  1. It soothes symptoms of acne and skin irritations.
  2. It speeds up the exfoliation of dead cells.
  3. It brightens pigmentation spots and smooths bumpy skin.
  4. It stimulates the cell renewal and rejuvenates.
  5. It makes signs of aging less noticeable.
  6. It prevents pigmentation disorders.
  7. It guarantees skin’s smoothness, elasticity and radiance.

What does the Nanoil Serum really do?

It works wonders! I guess I could finish my review here, but I want to share some more details.

This product worked from the first use. Obviously, it didn’t smooth my face lines, correct the face shape or remove hyperpigmentation right away (it takes around three weeks to do that), but my face felt more fresh, moisturized and lively after just one use. It was really cool. You should see it for yourself!

Did I have to wait long for the desired effects? Not really because the difference was striking during the first week. The dark spots started fading and the face got smoother and much more elastic.

Now, my face looks lovely without dark spots and imperfections, and full of healthy shine!

Easy use

At the same time, Nanoil Retinol Face Serum is very easy to use. You just need to remember to apply it at bedtime (it isn’t a good choice in the morning unless you use a high SPF cream). That’s all!

If you don’t know how to use retinol, check the Nanoil webpage or do it as I do:

  • I take make-up off, wash and dry the face
  • I pat 2 or 3 drops of the serum on the skin
  • I apply a moisturizer after a moment

Summing up. Do I think it’s a good choice?

Without a doubt: I DO. Even though I wasn’t sure if Nanoil Retinol Face Serum would work well on my skin at first, now I am positive that it’s the best serum for hyperpigmentation and problematic skin. It turns out to be a perfect pick for my complexion and I believe many of you would be happy with the results too. I suggest checking the official site with Nanoil products and ordering your own serum to see how it works.

It is worthwhile!