Types of Beauty. Do a Color Analysis & Check Colors that Make You Look Your Best!


Spring, summer, autumn, winter. These are the names of four beauty types. If you know them well, you won’t have any problems with the choice of clothes or applying makeup. What’s your type of beauty? Do a color analysis and check colors that will make you look your best.

Beauty types & seasons – the color analysis

There are four types of beauty. They have the names of seasons of the year: spring, summer, autumn, winter. The color analysis is connected with the color palette that is linked to a given season. That is why the spring and autumn belong to warm tones whereas winter and summer – to the cold tones. Sometimes it’s impossible to define a particular type so there are sub-types.

Beauty type

Every type of beauty has some characteristic features. When you define the skin tone, eye and hair color, it’s much easier to match clothes and makeup. Check your type of beauty.

    Spring type girls have a radiant and smooth facial skin. Its shade is porcelain and pinkish. It is prone to irritation and sensitive to the intense sunlight. It tans fast and may get sunburnt. Hair is usually red or light beige. Spring ladies look nice in green, warm shades of yellow, red, brown, navy blue or violet.
    Girls with this type of beauty have a very delicate skin. Milk, olive or rosy and beige shade is the characteristic. This skin type tans very quickly – pink or red tan changes into brown and olive. Summer girls have mousy, light blonde or light brown hair. If you’re one of them, choose clothes and beauty products in pastel or powdery shades.
    Girls who have the autumn type have a fair skin in a peach or beige shade. Their tan is usually red and disappears after a few days. Their hair has red, dark brown or blonde. Best autumn clothes and cosmetics have the shades of brown, red, ginger, turquoise.
    The skin of the winter girls is snow white, light and spotless. It has an olive shade. The hair color is usually dark – brown or black. Makeup products and clothes should be black, navy blue, white or red. Winter ladies should avoid pastel colors.